Monday, August 18, 2008

Give a little bit, more like A LOT

Do you recognize the beginning of my title from a famous song? Yes, it is from the Goo Goo Doll's Hit "Give a Little Bit" (2004). The Goo Goo Dolls, an amazing rock band with countless hits, have been around since the eighties. It seems to me that people today do not award them with the attention they deserve for releasing so many new albums and singles. You cannot deny that at one point or another you liked a song by them. The band is still releasing singles, but they are not as popular. What happened to the fan base? I'm sure it's still as strong, but most are focused on the current "Top 20", right? Well I'm here to say that the "Top 20" list on iTunes is composed of over played songs from the radio that everyone is sick of. If you can't recognize (or even recite) the top 10 songs, you must not listen to the radio at all. What I am trying to get across is IGNORE the popular music, explore a little on your own. Find out what your old favorites, like the Goo Goo Dolls themselves are playing these days. 

The undiscovered bands are always the best. They are always the most original.

"oh oh oh listen to the music" -Doobie Brothers

Abbey R.

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